Our Travelosophy

Misele (ME-seh-lay) – on the road with no definite destination, letting the trip take you where it goes.

“We need sometimes to escape into open solitudes, into aimlessness, into the moral holiday of running some pure hazard, in order to sharpen the edge  of life, to taste hardship, and to be compelled to work desperately for a moment no matter what.” – George Santayana

We’re conditioned to form assumptions about how people behave and how things work. When we travel, we see new ways of living life and sometimes we begin to compare it to our own as being better or worse. Our philosophy at Misele is that we should not judge from an outsider’s perspective, but instead, be open to appreciating differences and understanding the energy and culture of a new place. Exploring these differences is what makes travel beautiful.

Meaningful travel springs from the intersection of Engaging the senses and achieving an Understanding of different people, environments, cultures, and of ourselves. Places are a product of the people living there before and now, and the cultures, customs, languages that have steeped the meaning of a place. Experiencing these new worlds is a true privilege and the best travelers leave these experiences as changed people themselves.

So be ready to learn. Be ready to change. Be ready to really live in the moment.

“To my mind, the greatest reward and luxury of travel is to be able to experience everyday things as if for the first time, to be in a position in which almost nothing is so familiar it is taken for granted.” – Bill Bryson

Four core values

Being great means breaking old rules

We pride ourselves in being the unconventional Safari company.  We look for new ways of doing things, through a system where we listen carefully, adapt quickly, and embrace change.


Being great means breaking old rules.
Give Back, recognize that we can only achieve sustainable success through the involvement with the community

We are in this business to create meaningful experiences and to inspire everyone to believe in the power of doing good. In our quest to grow as a company, we refuse to sacrifice ethical standards for monetary gain.


Give Back, recognize that we can only achieve sustainable success through the involvement with the community.
Approach Everything With a Beginner’s Mind

Travel (and live life) with an open mind, because inspiration comes from the patience to see old things as always new.  This is real travel.  “We are all passing in this world – people, animals, countries, environments – we are all travelers who share a journey on Earth.”


Approach Everything With a Beginner’s Mind.
If we’re not working with others, we’re working against ourselves

We believe a successful venture is highly collaborative. Therefore, we want to build a continual dialogue with our “global village” – our own staff, travelers, the tourism community, the development community, local residents, anyone who enjoys sharing experiences with others.


If we’re not working with others, we’re working against ourselves.