Booking your Trip


1. Tell us your travel dates

book1If you don’t know exact dates yet, then even the approximate month is fine. There is usually a difference in prices from low to high season.

Helpful hint: Knowing the number of days of your trip can help to narrow down the options.

2. The number of travelers in your group

tellAre you traveling solo, on a honeymoon, or in a group? We can customize the trip to your travel type.

Helpful hint: Misele Safaris trips are default as private groups. Let us know if you are interested in joining a group instead.

3. Your preferred accommodations

tent1Looking for something fancy or excited to camp among the animals? Choose from camping, select lodging, or luxury lodging.

Helpful hint: Let us know if you have any special requests! We are great at tailoring to your needs and preferences.

Press send, and that’s it!

Simple, isn’t it?

Misele Safaris is happy that we’re not robots. So once you send us a request, we’ll get in touch to help you book the perfect trip for your budget and interests.

Don’t forget that you can choose from our menu of package options, modify a package, or design your own custom safari or safari-Kili-Zanzibar combination trip. Whether you choose a package or custom trips, it is the same for us as we make sure to give you a personalized touch no matter what.

And always feel free to get in touch if you remembered something else! Our contacts are at the bottom of the website,